EU Projects


Title: Train4ESG (Training finance sector professionals on environment, social and governance projects and investments)

Funding programme: ERASMUS+ Key Action 2: Cooperation partnerships in adult education (KA220-ADU)

Duration: 2023 – 2026

Role: Partner responsible for e-learning development

Project number: 2023-1-FR01 -KA220-ADU-0001 55643

Virtual EDU

Title: Virtual EDU (Upskilling and certification scheme for virtual educators)

Programme: Erasmus KA2 Strategic Partnerships (KA220-HED-Cooperative Partnerships in the Academic Field)

Duration: 2022–2025

Role: Proposal writer, partner, technical coordinator, responsible for e-learning development

Project number: 2022-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000086331


Title: BYTE (Blockchain for Refugees Entrepreneurship)

Programme: Erasmus KA2 Strategic Partnerships (KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education)

Duration: 2022–2024

Role: Partner, responsible for e-learning development

Project number: 2022-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000088269 


Title: iPEER (Reinventing the STEM VET via Peer assisted learning and Innovative pedagogy)

Programme: Erasmus KA2 Strategic Partnerships

Duration: 2021–2023

Role: Partner, responsible for digital library development

Project number: 2020-1-BG01-KA226-VET-095211 


Title: CHESS (Creative Intrapreneurship Empowerment Skills) 

Programme: Erasmus KA2 Strategic Partnerships

Duration: September 2019–2021

Role: Partner, responsible for e-learning development and partially for the content

Project number: 2019-2-DK01-KA205-060316


Title: TeachSUS (Teaching for Sustainability)

Programme: Erasmus KA2 Strategic Partnerships

Duration: December 2018–2020

Role: Partner, responsible for the digital library, e-learning development and partially for the content


Title: SUCCEED (StimUlate finanCial eduCation to foster EntrEpreneurship and Development) 

Programme: Erasmus KA2 Strategic partnerships

Duration: 2016–2019

Role: Partner, responsible for e-learning development and partially for the content


Title: enGAGING (Gamification as Applied Growth-Hacking and Incubating Method for Improving New Ground-Based Skills in Start-uppers and Enterprises)

Programme: Erasmus KA2 Strategic Partnerships

Duration: 2015–2017

Role: Partner, responsible for the content


Title: iVBPM (VET for Business Process Management on Interactive Board)

Programme: Erasmus KA2 Strategic Partnerships

Duration: 2015–2017

Role: Partner, responsible for the content and e-learning development


Title: LeadSUS (Leadership in Sustainability)

Programme: Lifelong Learning, Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation

Duration: 2013–2015

Role: Partner, responsible for the events, dissemination and partially for the content


Title: ERGO-WORK (Joining academia and business for new opportunities in creating ERGOnomic WORK places), 2013–2015 

Programme: Lifelong learning, Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation

Duration: 2013–2015

Role: External evaluator


Title: HEI-UP - (Improvement of Business Process Management in Higher Education institutions), (uradna stran

Programme: Lifelong learning, Erasmus Multilateral

Duration: 2011–2013

Role: Proposal writer, coordinator, the content


Title: CertiBPM - Certified Business Process Manager

Programme: Lifelong Learning, Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation

Duration: 2010–2012

Role: Proposal writer, coordinator, the content


Title: SOCIRES (Social Responsibility Manager)

Programme: Lifelong Learning, Leonardo da Vinci, Development of Innovation

Duration: 2010–2012

Role: Coordinator, events


Title: CROmEU (Capacity Building in European Project Management for Croatia)

Programme: TEMPUS

Duration: 2006–2009

Role: Quality manager (UNI-MB)


Title: MANAGEUR (EU Project Manager)

Programme: Lifelong Learning, Leonardo da Vinci, Development of Innovation

Duration: 2003–2006

Role: Member of a project team (UNI-MB)