Digital transformation
1. First things first
"Digital transformation is impossible without establishing business processes first."
If you are thinking about the digital transformation of your company, you cannot just start with programming the mobile app. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts. There are a lot of things which must happen before actual software development.
We can guide you along the following path:
You have to establish solid business processes. Identify, draw and document them. Focus on UX (user experience) processes. Learn more >>
You have to align your digital transformation idea with the company's strategy.
You have to enhance your process descriptions with data, user interfaces, business rules and similar.
You have to analyse new technologies and plan your IT infrastructure. Decide if you will go with Cloud or local IT systems.
2. Align your idea with your organisation's strategy
"Adapt your organisation's vision, strategy and goals first, or your digital transformation efforts will fail."
Do you want to align your business goals with information and communication technology?
We can help you, for example, to align business (company) goals with IT strategy:
Business Goal - example
(You provide this)
Improve customer satisfaction with our services.
Related IT Goals - examples
(We suggest this)
Ensure Customer Service Representative systems store all customer data just one click away.
Ensure Customer Service Representative systems are fast.
Related IT Strategy - examples
(We suggest this)
Implement and utilise multi-user Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) with central user database with event history.
Improve performance of CRM system (network optimisation, application optimisation, caching, network compression etc ).
3. Design the IT solution
"A pre-requirement for digital transformation is a solid IT architecture."
When you start to build your custom-made information system, you have to analyse your business thoroughly.
Requirements for the information system should be agreed and analysed. The architecture of the new information system should be designed. User interfaces and mockups should be designed. Information entities and relations should be agreed.
Only after these phases can implementation begin. Those early phases are needed if you want to get the information system that suits your needs.
Let us help you gather requirements, analyse and design the solution.
4. Plan and design the IT infrastructure
"Choosing the right IT infrastructure is not an art, but a result of the organisation's needs analysis."
Which ICT infrastructure is the best for your size company? Should you buy or lease ICT hardware and software?
You put all of your energy into your core business. You don't have time to follow and study all the new information technologies appearing every day. Many new information technologies can improve your business, make employees work more productively and faster. The real problem is, how do you distinguish value-adding computer tools from marketing hype?
For example, do you feel a bit lost when you hear three-letter acronyms like ERP, CRM, SOA, BPM and BAM?
You don't have to.
Let us save your valuable time and analyse the usability of new information technologies for your business.
When you start a new business or you want to improve an existing one, you have to think about your information technology needs. You also have to align information systems and infrastructure strategy with the company's business strategy.
Information technology investments represent a large cost, therefore you should decide wisely where to spend your money.
We can help you answer technology-related questions, for example:
Which server strategy should your company choose? Should you buy your own servers, use virtualisation or should you lease computing cloud capabilities?
Which operating system to choose? Open source (Linux/Ubuntu etc) or commercially available (Microsoft Windows)?
Which office productivity system – OpenOffice, Microsoft Office, Google Apps?
Which back-office system? Microsoft Exchange, Linux POP/SMTP server or hosted solution?
Which technology for the company's website and intranet ? Microsoft Sharepoint, open-source CMS systems (Typo, Joomla etc), Google Sites or a third-party hosted solution?
Which ERP system? OpenERP, Compiere, SAP, EPICOR iSCALA, Microsoft Navision or custom made?
Which CRM system? SalesForce, Microsoft CRM, Sugar CRM etc?
Which LMS (Learning Management System)? Moodle, BlackBoard, TalentLMS etc?
Which BPM (Business Process Management System)? Bonita BPM, IBM, Appian etc?
Our tutorial video: How to design IT infrastructure using DRAW.IO
What are the trade-offs when choosing between different IT strategies?
"After following all of the steps above, you are ready to choose the system integrator and a software development company. They will appreciate the blueprints (models, plans and analyses) and build the IT system that fits your needs."
What's next?
Let us help you on your journey to digital transformation. Contact us.
More questions?
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you.
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