Key facts
Project title: CertiBPM (Certified Business Process Manager)
Website: http://certibpm-en.bicero.com/
Programme: Lifelong Learning Programme, Transfer of Innovation, Leonardo da Vinci
Contract number: LLP-LdV/TOI/10/RO/010
Project number: 2010-1-RO1-LEO05-07445
Project duration: 3 December 2010 – 2 December 2012
Online courses:
Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara (Applicant organisation)
BICERO ltd. (Management co-ordinator and idea)
proHUMAN Cooperation and Business Management (Core partner)
I.S.C.N. GesmbH (Core partner)
DENKSTATT Romania SRL (Core partner)
To adapt the existing Business Process Management course to the ECQA (European Certification and Qualification Association) certification scheme and establish job role, which is valid across Europe; translate it to Romanian and English languages.
To adapt the course for university use – Bologna Master's level for Romanian Universities.
To transfer the knowledge (CertiBPM project) to the Romanian market (to university students, industry representatives).
To educate 110 trainees and 14 trainers (regardless of age, sex, nationality, religion).
To create a distance learning course, that will allow training of people in different locations.
Project background
Romanian companies of all sizes must constantly manage and improve their business processes to survive in these tough times. To improve efficiency of their business, they should also automate their business processes using information technology. One of the most successful and proved approaches is “process-oriented approach”, which is also advocated in ISO9001 quality standards. Proof of this are new, but already mature, information technologies (BPM systems), which directly support this approach. BPM was designed to bridge the gap between business and technical people.
The aim of this project is to improve the existing course and teach Romanian people (students, trainers, managers and other employees) how to identify, document, manage, measure, analyse, implement, optimise, automate and maintain business processes in their companies as part of their lifelong learning and in the context of continuous improvement of processes. This project will improve their management skills and also influence their entrepreneurial spirit. Trainees from target groups (Romanian students and industry representatives) will learn how to get transparent insight into business processes.
There is a strong need on the Romanian market to offer a coherent, practical course, which will allow people to better manage their business processes in Romanian companies.
Business Process Management (BPM) is the discipline which covers identification, modelling, analysis, documentation, automatisation, maintenance and optimisation of business processes.
The current market situation in the BPM area is well described in the State of Business Process Management - 2010 report by P Harmon and C Wolf. This report summarises the survey analysis of 264 respondents (companies) from all over the world and across all kinds of industries. This analysis stresses that the major drivers of introducing BPM to a company are: "need to save money by reducing costs and/or improving productivity", "need to improve management coordination or organisational responsiveness", "improve customer satisfaction", "improve products". The report statistics shows that more skills are needed and more managers should be trained to improve business processes.
The authors of the existing course have real-world experiences from business process management and reengineering projects (telecommunications, public service, media, electro-distribution, IT services), ensuring that the content of the learning materials and courses has practical value.
The course has evolved over the years from more technical aspects of business process management to project, organisational, human and managerial aspects. The course has also been well accepted on the Slovenian market and it is appropriate for transfer to Romania.