Key facts
Project title: Socires (Certified Social Responsibility Manager)
Programme: Life Long Learning - Development of Innovation
Project number: 510098 - LLP - 1 - 2010 - 1 - SI - LEONARDO - LMP
Project duration: 1 January 2011 – 31 December 2012
Online course:
Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo (applicant, administration - Slovenija)
proHuman d.o.o. (coordination - Slovenija) - BICERO Ltd. (subcontracting-coordination)
Gustav-Siewerth Akademie, Germany (partner)
SIBAC Gmbh, Germany (partner)
Universidad de Alcala – UAH, Spain (partner)
I.S.C.N. GesmbH, Austria (partner)
Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece (partner)
Dennis Gabor College - DGC, Hungary (partner)
Project background
Every organisation somehow influences society. This could be an influence on health, wellbeing and life in general of employees and their relatives, influence on the environment, cooperating organisations and various stakeholders, including customers or consumers, workers and their trade unions, members, the community, nongovernmental organisations etc.
The two-year project Socires (Social Responsibility Manager) will contribute to raising the awareness of all types of organisations in this area and to the increase of competence levels on the labour market.
The main goal of this project is to prepare a vocational and e-learning course, exam and certification, targeted at managers in organisations. Currently, trainees and trainers are being educated on how to analyse and define the social influences and responsibilities of an organisation. Since approval of standard ISO26000, this topic has become very interesting on the market. Along with ISO9001 (quality management systems) and ISO14000 (environmental management), this standard could be the next big shift in organisational thinking and behaviour against all its stakeholders.
Using this new course, managers from Slovenia, Germany, Hungary, Greece, Spain and Austria will be taught how to manage the fine line between the social responsibilities and the economic interests of the organisation.
The certification of this knowledge is valid across the EU, under the ECQA (European Certification and Qualification Association) framework.
The ultimate aim of this project is to improve society for everyone by raising awareness and knowledge of decision-makers in organisations.